
Our services

Discovering Innovative Solutions to Common Credit Challenges

At BH Credit Solution, we take every client as unique and create custom solutions for each situation. Our aim is to create tailored private credit solutions that help our clients achieve client objectives.

(786) 520-5550

Combining Technology and Expertise to Enhance Your Credit Position

BH Credit Solution believes in helping clients improve their credit scores and regain their financial position.
24 Hour Credit Inquiry Removal

We know credit inquiries can impact your credit score and make it difficult

for you to secure loans. Our speedy credit solutions ensure you can regain control over your credit profile in no time.

Dealing with collections can be overwhelming. Our team will negotiate

with collection agencies to eliminate all negative entries from your credit reports. We also settle debts for less than you owe.

Don’t let bankruptcy hamper your credit score and financial future. BH Credit Solution

offers tailored solutions to help you rebuild your credit score after bankruptcy. We will give you the support you need to get back on track.
Late Payment

Our financial experts will help you recover from the damage caused by late payments.

Late Payment ​
We strive to remove late payment records from your credit report and help you improve your score.

We will ensure a foreclosure doesn’t stay on your credit report for years.

Our specialized financial services address and remove foreclosure entries. We aim to restore your creditworthiness.
Student Loan

Student loan is a big burden for many. With our credit solution services,

student loan
we can negotiate with your lenders to resolve your student loan issues. Our experts will remove the negative entries from your credit report.

A repossession on your credit report can keep you from securing new credit.

Our knowledgeable professionals will eliminate the repossession entries to help you re-establish your credit.

Your credit score can have a severe impact when you have judgments

against you. Our experts will help in improving your credit position by disputing and getting rid of judgments from the credit report.
Debt Settlement

Take advantage of our debt settlement service to overcome the stress that

debt settlement
comes with overwhelming debt. We will put our expertise to use to negotiate with creditors and reduce the total amount you owe.

Frequent credit inquiries can lower your credit score. This can make you appear risky

to the lenders. This can make you appear risky to the lenders. Our credit solution services can remove unnecessary inquiries from your credit report.
Child support

Unpaid child support tends to have a negative impact on your credit score.

Child support
With our solutions, you can not only address your child support entries but also remove them from your credit report.
Re Establishing Credit

Our comprehensive credit re-establishment programs will help you rebuild your credit

after your financial setback. We create strategies and support required to improve your credit score.

Seek Our Help to Boost Your Credit Score

Doing things the way you have always been doing in credit will not keep working in the long run. Our credit solutions and dedicated team help you lend safer and faster. We will work with you to identify and prepare for potential challenges.

What they say about us

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